Friday 1 March 2024

Beyond Gender: A Universal Call for Liberation and Freedom

Feminism, traditionally viewed as a battle between genders, takes on a new dimension when reframed as a pursuit of universal liberation and freedom. Shifting the focus from comparisons with men to a broader quest for equal opportunities, feminism becomes a force for breaking societal constraints and promoting the personal and professional growth of all individuals.

Equality Beyond Gender:

Feminism, seen through the lens of liberation, advocates for dismantling restrictive structures not only for women but for everyone seeking freedom from societal norms. It strives for a society where individuals, regardless of gender, can break free from stereotypes and pursue their passions and aspirations without being confined by societal expectations.

Breaking Stereotypes:

Feminist ideology challenges and dismantles stereotypes, extending beyond gender-based expectations. True liberation involves breaking free from all preconceived notions that restrict personal and professional development. Men, too, face societal expectations that limit their authentic expression, and a feminist approach supports the freedom of all individuals to pursue their aspirations without constraints.


To address liberation comprehensively, feminism must embrace intersectionality. Recognizing the interconnectedness of different forms of discrimination, feminism becomes a movement advocating for the freedom and liberation of all individuals, transcending gender boundaries and acknowledging various aspects of identity.

Freedom in Professional Pursuits:

Liberation in professional pursuits requires dismantling gender norms and creating environments where individuals can thrive based on merit and capability. Both men and women should have equal opportunities, free from limitations imposed by societal expectations.

Embracing Emotional Freedom:

Societal expectations often confine individuals to rigid emotional norms. Feminism as a movement for liberation calls for breaking free from these emotional constraints, allowing everyone, regardless of gender, to express vulnerability without fear of judgment and to embrace a spectrum of emotions authentically.


Reframing feminism through the lens of liberation and freedom makes it a universal movement that transcends gender boundaries. By focusing on shared struggles and promoting equal opportunities, feminism becomes a force for breaking societal constraints and fostering a world where everyone can achieve, grow, and live authentically. Embracing this inclusive perspective is crucial for creating a society where individuals are free to explore the vast possibilities of their own potential.

Saturday 10 February 2024

A Journey of Dreams from a Woman's Perspective

In a world where the echoes of empowerment and equality resonate louder than ever, the pursuit of liberation becomes an intimate and personal journey. As a woman navigating through the intricate tapestry of life, the concept of liberation transcends societal expectations and becomes a profound exploration of dreams, desires, and self-discovery.

Liberation is not merely breaking free from external constraints; it is about unraveling the layers of conditioning and expectations that have been woven into the fabric of our existence. For women, this journey often begins with a poignant realization, the understanding that dreams are not mere whims but powerful catalysts for personal growth and societal change.

Growing up, I was surrounded by a myriad of expectations and stereotypes, subtly ingrained in the collective consciousness. There was an unspoken script dictating the roles I should play, the dreams deemed acceptable, and the paths considered appropriate. Yet, as the world evolved, so did my perception of self and purpose.

The first whispers of liberation emerged from the depths of my dreams. Dreams that dared to challenge the status quo, dreams that refused to be confined within the limits set by others. I discovered the power of dreaming as a form of resistance, a rebellion against the predetermined narratives. Each dream became a step towards the uncharted territories of self-discovery, an exploration of the infinite possibilities that lay beyond the conventional boundaries.

Liberation, for me, is a continuous process of shedding the layers of societal expectations and embracing the authenticity of my desires. It is about recognizing that my dreams are not just individual aspirations but integral threads in the grand tapestry of collective progress. As a woman, embracing liberation means acknowledging the interconnectedness of personal dreams and societal transformation.

One pivotal aspect of this journey is the liberation of the mind. The shackles of self-doubt, societal judgment, and ingrained limitations are formidable barriers that often hinder the pursuit of dreams. Breaking free from these mental constraints requires courage and a profound sense of self-belief. It is a journey of unlearning and redefining, allowing oneself to dream without reservations.

In this pursuit, I found solace in the stories of trailblazing women who defied societal norms and shattered glass ceilings. Their narratives became beacons of inspiration, guiding me through the tumultuous waters of self-discovery. These women were not just dreamers; they were architects of their destiny, carving paths for themselves and future generations.

Liberation is not a solitary endeavor; it is a collective movement that gains momentum with every woman who dares to dream. Our dreams are not just personal ambitions; they are declarations of autonomy and statements of intent. In a world that is still learning to embrace the diversity of feminine dreams, each woman's pursuit becomes a revolutionary act, contributing to the dismantling of age-old stereotypes.

The journey of liberation also involves navigating the intricate balance between tradition and progress. It is a delicate dance between honoring cultural roots and forging ahead into uncharted territories. Embracing liberation doesn't mean discarding the essence of who we are; rather, it involves redefining traditions to align with the evolving narrative of women's empowerment.

As I reflect on my journey, I realize that liberation is not a destination but a continuous evolution. It is about embracing the fluidity of dreams, allowing them to shape-shift and transform as I grow. Liberation is not a one-size-fits-all concept; it is as diverse and unique as the myriad of women who embark on this transformative journey.

In the pursuit of dreams, there is an inherent responsibility to uplift others. Liberation is not a solitary triumph but a shared victory. As I chase my dreams, I am acutely aware of the ripple effect – the potential to inspire and empower those around me. Whether it's through mentorship, storytelling, or simply leading by example, each woman plays a crucial role in nurturing a culture where dreams flourish and liberation becomes a collective reality.

In conclusion, My journey of liberation from a woman's perspective is a tapestry woven with dreams, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of authenticity. It is about breaking free from the constraints that bind us and daring to dream beyond the prescribed limits. As women, our liberation is intricately linked to the liberation of society as a whole. In the vast landscape of dreams, we find not only our individual voices but also the collective roar of a movement that transcends boundaries, shatters stereotypes, and paves the way for a future where every woman's dream is not just celebrated but embraced as an integral part of the human experience.

-Love SP

Sunday 24 September 2023

Its Her Story

 In the tapestry of my life, my sister's story wove a brilliant and emotional thread that shimmered with the radiance of her achievements. It had always been about her, right from our childhood. From the earliest moments, I had heard tales of how my sister had made everyone around her proud. She was the embodiment of an ideal student, daughter, and sister. Eight years my senior, she was a prodigy in every sense of the word.

Let me paint a picture of her for you. She was tall, fair, and beautiful, with a steely resolve that shone through her smart, headstrong personality. Engaging in a conversation with her was no easy feat. She effortlessly dominated her academics, consistently ranking as the district topper in both science and math until her 12th grade. She pursued her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in engineering, earning recognition as one of the three Indians selected for a prestigious fellowship at Alabama University in the USA. But she didn't stop there.

Her academic journey continued with a Ph.D. in Aerospace from the renowned IIST in India, followed by a Postdoctoral Fellowship at IISC. However, amidst her academic triumphs, she navigated a parallel life filled with its own challenges, trials, and triumphs.

Let's rewind the clock and break her life into a timeline. But please indulge me as I weave in some assumptions, for this story is my perspective, cherished deep within my heart. She is my beacon of inspiration, someone I look up to for everything she has achieved and continues to accomplish.

For three decades, she maintained a consistent pursuit of academic excellence, as if it were a daily ritual. You might wonder about her personal life. This is where I implore you to pay close attention, for hers was not a life of unearned fortune. She faced hardships, but she fought valiantly to make things right. At the tender age of 24, as she embarked on her Ph.D. journey, she also embarked on the path to marriage. This chapter of her life wasn't smooth, with numerous challenges to overcome. Yet, together, she and her partner weathered the storms, continuously working to support and uplift each other.

Does she believe in love? Undoubtedly. Her truest source of comfort is my mother, but her son, my dear Kannan, personifies love in her life. He brought immeasurable beauty into her world and became her guiding light.

At the age of 33, she faced a harrowing diagnosis of Lymphoma, casting our entire family into a shadowy abyss. But we stood resolute, forging an unbreakable bond as we fought, cried, prayed, stumbled, and persevered together. During this challenging journey, I gleaned invaluable lessons I feel compelled to share:

  • Life is ephemeral, and we know not when it will end. Pursue what brings you happiness and fulfillment.
  • Understand the world around you, but never forget to understand yourself and protect your loved ones at all costs.
  • Surround yourself with those who accept you for who you are. Spend less time conforming to others' expectations.
  • Love yourself, care for your body, explore the world, protect your dignity, and savor the beauty of life between birth and death.
  • Offer guidance only when asked, and fear not speaking your truth while respecting your values.
  • Some events in life are beyond our control, and the universe operates by its own mysterious rules.
  • Belief in something greater than ourselves can provide strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

Returning to her journey, my sister endured a year of grueling chemotherapy sessions, with hospitals becoming her unwelcome second home. Needles punctuated her days, and her physical strength waned. But her indomitable spirit and radiant smile persisted. She drew strength from within and relied on the unwavering support of her loved ones.

She fought with unparalleled determination, and in the 12th month of her diagnosis, a miraculous pet scan opened the door to a semblance of normalcy. She took her time to heal, replenishing her body and soul with newfound realizations and experiences. With her son Vasu by her side, she returned to us and embraced life once more.

During this period, she received news of her appointment as a professor of Aerospace at IIST, an achievement she had pursued even during her sixth chemotherapy session and a week before her second biopsy. It was a dark time for our family, but her resilience shone through.

Later, she was recognized for her contributions to the Chandrayaan 3 satellite launch mission, a project she had worked on even during her battle with cancer. What an extraordinary woman she is! I am grateful to have her as my sister, though I had never wished to see her endure tears and mysteries. Now, she has emerged as one of the strongest people I know, second only to our mother.

One profound lesson I would like to leave you with is this: When you've stared death in the face and emerged victorious, not even death can intimidate you anymore.

To my adorable and most beautiful sister Dr. Parvathi (Paroooo)


Wednesday 10 May 2023

Freedom Is Free For All

While I feel it, I also understand there is something that has been changing tremendously. In the early 20th century, women around the world began to taste independence in ways they never had before. With the suffragette movement gaining momentum, women were beginning to gain the right to vote and have a say in the political landscape. This newfound freedom also extended to the workplace, where women were beginning to take on jobs that were once reserved for men.

As women gained more independence, they also began to challenge traditional gender roles and societal expectations. They began to demand equal pay and access to education and fought for the right to make their own choices about their bodies and their lives.

While in the 1960s and 1970s, the feminist movement gained even more momentum, with women pushing for equal rights in all areas of society. They fought against discrimination and harassment and worked to shatter the glass ceiling in male-dominated industries.

Today, women continue to taste independence in new ways, with many holding high-powered jobs, running successful businesses, and making their voices heard in politics and beyond. While there is still much work to be done in achieving true gender equality, women have come a long way since the early days of the suffragette movement, and continue to push for progress and change.

Change is a constant, but still, the static thought of a bigger section is slowing down the process of equality in terms of freedom and equity in terms of various aspects of life. I see this is a slow and steady growth, while I live in the freedom of my choice I wish to see it all around me as well.

Some thoughts?


Wednesday 11 January 2023

Letter To My Heart

This is an open letter to my heart because she seems to have gone on vacation for some time now since 2022 was overwhelming in many ways for her. But the way 2023 started, she is in demand. Hence sending her a letter because she is a bit old fashioned, a lot classy, and mildly dramatic.

To my heart,

I wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation and gratitude for all that you do for me. You are the driving force behind every beat and pulse, providing life and energy to every cell in my body.

You have been through so much with me, from the joys and triumphs to the sorrows and struggles. You have never given up on me, even when I doubted myself and my abilities. You have always been there to remind me of my strength and resilience.

You have also been a source of love and connection, bringing me closer to the people and things that matter most to me. You have helped me to feel, to empathize, and to understand the depth and beauty of human emotion.

I know that sometimes you may feel tired or overwhelmed, and I want you to know that I am here to take care of you. I promise to eat well, exercise regularly, and avoid anything that might harm you. I will also try to reduce stress and find ways to relax, so you can work at your best.

Thank you for everything that you do for me, heart. I am so grateful to have you by my side, and I will always be here for you. Also, it's important to remember that everyone makes mistakes and that it's possible to learn from them and grow as a person. Giving yourself a second chance is a courageous and mature step to take, and it's important to be kind and forgiving towards yourself. It's natural to feel scared or unsure about falling in love again after a difficult experience, but it's important to remember that love is a beautiful and powerful force that can bring great joy and happiness into your life.

Remind yourself that you are worthy of love and happiness and that it's okay to take a chance on yourself and others again. If you find yourself struggling with fear or anxiety about giving yourself a second chance, consider seeking support from a therapist or counselor who can help you work through your feelings.

Indeed, I promise to take care of you in 2023 and always. I will make sure to listen to your needs and address any concerns that you may have. I will strive to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious foods, getting regular exercise, and managing stress. I will also make sure to surround myself with positive and supportive people who bring joy and happiness into my life. I will continue to nurture our relationship and make sure to always show you love and affection. Together, we will create beautiful memories and live a fulfilling life. I love you.

With love and appreciation,

Monday 19 September 2022

Terms & Conditions Applied!

For all that exists do we really have an approach without terms and conditions applied?

Nothing in the outside world is certain, that's a fact. It’s uncertain and that’s what makes it challenging. Uncertainty means things are changing; in other words, there is no limbo. If you are walking fast, every step is new terrain. This new terrain is what you are calling “uncertainty” right now.

Uncertainty Means Possibilities in Life

For those seeking opportunity, uncertainty is the best time. Those who have a vision will make it a possibility; those who don't will look at it as a problem. But, because you are in a constant state of a compulsive reaction in your mind, you are seeking certainty.

Certainty is a state of limbo. If there is certainty there is a status quo, isn't it? The status quo in a business, political or social situation means nothing changes; nothing evolves. By seeking certainty, ultimately, you are pitching for stagnation. If things are stagnant, you will get bored. If things are happening rapidly, then you don't have the balance to handle it. So, the problem is not with uncertainty; the problem is your interiority has become uncertain. If we have to fix the whole world for you to be peaceful, that's never going to happen. What we have to do instead is fix your interiority. What do we mean by that? It means, if your interiority is not compulsive, you will handle every situation to the best of your ability. Maybe you can't handle it like someone else, but you will handle it to the best of your ability, that's about it. You won't suffer every situation you come across simply because you are in a compulsive state of reaction.

Freedom From Certainty & Uncertainty is a myth, It is enough to look at our lives or the lives of others to consider the uncertainty and realize that the relief of lives is, in fact, a series of surprises, tragedies, or happy chances. Our lives are saturated with uncertainties, whether external (recession, war, pandemic) or internal (our changes in value, opinions, and perceptions). Ultimately, uncertainty is the engine, uncertainty is a curiosity, and it's a natural act that drives us to doubt and reassess our lives. Millions of people change careers ... As we go along, we update our definitions of success. Uncertainty is a natural act.

Think about it?



Sunday 28 August 2022

Roots and Riwaz!

Most of the days recently I am waking up with a warm heart of gratitude and immense feeling of attachment to all that surrounds me. It's a festive season in Kerala (my niche) and alot of rituals and meaningful changes in the nature and in me, so here is to some thoughts on what makes this culture so prominent and special.

Lets talk about India!

Here culture is an invaluable possession of our society. It is one of the oldest cultures in the world. In spite of facing many ups and downs, Indian culture is shining with all its glory and splendour. Culture is the soul of a nation. On the basis of culture, we can experience the prosperity of its past and present. Culture is a collection of values of human life, which establishes it specifically and ideally separates it from other groups. 
Besides architectural creations, monuments, material artefacts, intellectual achievements, philosophy, treasures of knowledge, scientific inventions and discoveries are also part of heritage. In the Indian context, the contributions of Baudhayana, Aryabhatta, and Bhaskaracharya in the field of Mathematics, Astronomy and Astrology; Varahmihir in the field of Physics; Nagarjuna in the field of Chemistry; Susruta and Charak in the field of Medicines and Patanjali in the field of Yoga are profound treasures of Indian Cultural heritage. Culture is liable to change, but our heritage does not. We individuals, belonging to a culture or a particular group, may acquire or borrow certain cultural traits of other communities/cultures, but our belongingness to Indian cultural heritage will remain unchanged.

Indian culture is one of the most ancient cultures in the world. The ancient cultures of Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc. were destroyed with time and only their remnants are left. But Indian culture is alive today. Its fundamental principles are the same, as were in ancient time. One can see village panchayats, caste systems and joint family system. The teachings of Buddha, Mahavira and Lord Krishna are alive even today also and are source of inspiration.

The framework of Indian culture places human beings within a conception of the universe as a divine creation. It is not anthropo-centric (human-centric) only and considers all elements of creation, both living and non-living, as manifestations of the divine. Therefore, it respects God’s design and promotes the ideal of co-existence. This vision thus, synthesises human beings, nature and God into one integral whole. This is reflected in the idea of satyam-shivam-sundaram.

In India, tolerance and liberalism are found in all religions, castes, communities, etc. Many foreign cultures invaded India and Indian society gave every culture the opportunity to prosper. Indian society accepted and respected Shaka, Huna, Shithiyan, Muslim, Christian, Sikh, Jain, Buddhist cultures. The feeling of tolerance towards all religions is a wonderful characteristic of Indian society. Rigveda says : ‘Truth is one’, even then the scholars describe it in various forms.

A special characteristic of Indian culture is its continuous flow. Since, Indian culture is based on values, so its development is continuous. Many centuries passed by, many changes occurred, many foreign invasions were faced, but the light of Indian culture today is continuously glowing. Indian culture can be understood by looking at its present cultural standards.

Language is another source of cultural diversity as well as unity. It contributes to collective identities and even to conflicts. Twenty-two languages are recognised by Indian Constitution. All major languages have regional and dialectical variations besides several other dialects. The situation is further complicated since 179 languages and 544 dialects are recognised in India.

Indian art is inspired by religion and centres around sacred themes. However, there is nothing ascetic or self-denying about it. The eternal diversity of life and nature and the human element are all reflected in Indian art forms. The art of architecture and sculpture was well developed during the Indus valley period. India has the largest collections of folk and tribal artefacts. The popular term for music throughout India is Sangeet, which included dance as well as vocal instrumental music. The rhymes of the Rigveda and the Samveda are the earliest examples of words set to music. The oldest detailed exposition of Indian musical theory is found in Natyashastra, attributed to the sage Bharata who lived in the beginning of the Christian era. North Indian Hindustani classical music and South Indian Karnatak music are the two major forms of classical music in India. More specific schools of classical music are associated with particular gharanas.

Classical Indian dance is a beautiful and significant symbol of the spiritual and artistic approach of the Indian mind. Traditional Indian scriptures contain many references to nritta (music) and nata (drama). Dance and music are present at every stage of domestic life in India. Our country has a rich tradition of folklores, legends and myths, which combine with songs and dances into composite art forms. Adaptability has a great contribution in making Indian culture immortal. It is an essential element of longevity of any culture. Indian culture has a unique property of adjustment, as a result of which, it is maintained till today. Indian family, caste, religion and institutions have changed themselves with time. Due to adaptability and co-ordination of Indian culture, its continuity, utility and activity still in vogue. Receptivity is an important characteristic of Indian culture. It has always accepted the good of the invading cultures. It is like an ocean, in which many rivers come and meet. In the same way all castes succumbed to the Indian culture and very rapidly they dissolved in the Hindutva. Indian culture has always adjusted with other cultures, its ability to maintain unity amongst the diversities of all is the best. The reliability, which developed in this culture due to this receptivity, is a boon for this world and is appreciated by all. We have always adopted the properties of various cultures. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is the soul of Indian culture. Spirituality is the soul of Indian culture. Here the existence of soul is accepted. Therefore, the ultimate aim of man is not physical comforts but is self-realisation. Nation became culture and culture became nation. Country took the form of Spiritual World, beyond the physical world. When Indian culture originated in the times of Rigveda, then it spread with time to Saptasindhu, Bramhavarta, Aryavarta, Jumbudweepa, Bharata Varsha or India. Because of its strength, it reached beyond the borders of India and established there also. Religion has a central place in Indian culture. Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, Mahabharata, Gita, Agama, Tripitak, Quran and Bible influence the people of Indian culture. These books have developed optimism, theism, sacrifice, penance, restraints, good conduct, truthfulness, compassion, authenticity, friendliness, forgiveness, etc. The concept of Karma (action) and Reincarnation have special importance in Indian culture. It is believed that one gains virtue during good action and takes birth in higher order in his next birth and spends a comfortable life. While one doing bad action takes birth in lower order in his next birth and suffers pain and leads a miserable life.

Indian culture lays emphasis on dharma or moral duty. It is believed that performance of one’s duty is more important than asserting one’s right. It also emphasizes the complementariness between one’s own duty and other’s rights. Thus, through the emphasis on community or family obligations, Indian culture promotes interdependence rather than independence and autonomy of the individual.

At the level of marriage, there is a lot of plurality in India. At the level of family, however, there is a striking similarity. For example, the ideal or norm of joint family is upheld by almost every Indian. Every person may not live in a joint household but the system of joint family is still favoured. The family is the defining feature of Indian culture. Although we differentiate between individual identity and family identity, the Western type of individualism is rare in Indian culture. Another characteristic of Indian culture is social stratification. In every region of India, there are about 200 castes. The social structure is made of thousands of those castes and sub-castes, which decide the social status of a person on the basis of birth. By fulfilling duties, a person can follow his religion while living in physical comforts and thus can gain salvation. Fulfilling duties is a characteristic of Indian culture. Four goals or duties are dharma (religion), Arth (money), Kama (lust) and Moksha (salvation). Religion is related to the fulfilment of moral duties. Money is related to the fulfilment of all needs. Lust is associated with pleasures in life. Salvation is the last goal. If India’s culture tended to become tolerant, accommodating, open-minded, deeply but not ostensibly spiritual and concerned with the common human welfare, then it is due to the great and relentless efforts of our great ancestors and leaders. Thanks to them our country has achieved a common culture, despite a staggering pluralistic society. And I feel proud to be a part and parcel of this rich heritage and culture.




Beyond Gender: A Universal Call for Liberation and Freedom

Feminism, traditionally viewed as a battle between genders, takes on a new dimension when reframed as a pursuit of universal liberation and ...